*Old Post* Where as all the romance gone?

Posted by ethereality On 2:47 AM 0 feedbacks

June 17, 2008

Back when I was a fresh-faced teenager (God! Now I feel so old!), I remembered having whirlwind romances with my boyfriends -- the kind you read about in all those Sweet Valley High books. My exes would write me poems, leave sweet comments in my Friendster (sigh! those were the days), and other random acts of adoration... all with free will. I never asked for it, but those little, seemingly insignificant gestures meant a lot to me.

Nowadays, things are different.

Two years ago, as we reach the age of maturity & outgrew puppy love, it all kind of stopped.

No more were the messages of undying love & devotion to me. Barely any more phone calls just to ask 'how was your day'? Rarely any more text messages wishing me good night, sweet dreams.

Is it because we tend to get bored with the ones we claim to love after some time has passed? Have they gotten through the phase of being so deeply infatuated with their significant other and discarded the romanctic first few months of the relationship for a subdued remainder of the relationship?

Okay, I'm babbling, I know. The words make sense to me, but it's hard to digest. Anyways, to make a point, romance dies after a while. We stop being so 'in love' with a person after a while and gradually lessen the amount of proclamations of 'I miss you' and 'Rise and shine, baby!'.

The question is... do we have a choice in the matter? Can we actually CHOOSE not to give into the 'natural' fact that love eventually ebbs away like the ocean tide, or is there no stopping this force?

No, they tell me. Just because I don't message you as often or shower you with compliments, doesn't mean I don't love you.

Sometimes, I'd just like to hear them say such random, sweet nothings once in a while. Tell me why you love me... why we're together in the first place. Remind me of times when we looked forward to hearing what the other had to say. Don't just expect us to 'telepathically' know that we love you. We're not psychic!

Actions speak louder than words, but words have the power to convince others that something is right.

Convince me that I mean something to you. That is an ACTION by itself.

A few, seemingly insignificant little words can mean the whole world to someone.


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