Results are out!

Posted by ethereality On 7:33 PM 0 feedbacks

I think the headline speaks for itself! heheheheh

Truly, it was an awesome surprise, seeing that I was sooooo convinced that my results were gonna bomb like what happened to Hiroshima... but surprise, surprise! It turned out better than I expected!

I guess it pays to be a positive pessimist... Hope for the best, expect the worst... that way, the world won't come crumbling down if your expectations are not met. Therefore, if things do turn out for the better, HELLO, INSTANT BOOST OF SELF-ESTEEM! :D

In case you're wondering, I maintained my CGPA. Minimal qualification for Dean's List, but hey, I still got it!

And to think, I thought I was gonna fail my damn tarian (kes besar there, malas nak go into that again...), and Koku actually counts as well as affects our CGPA!

And damn it... I regret that I couldn't grasp the concept of syntax properly before my tests (and brought down my GPA), which accounted to 50% of our total marks... I wish I could repeat that, but I guess we'll just let bygones be bygones...

In a nutshell, ALHAMDULILLAH! Praise be to Allah S.W.T. for making my hard work pay off in the end, despite the endless bouts of stress, so that my family can share the joy of achievement!

TIME TO BUCK EVEN MORE UP FOR THE UPCOMING NEW SEMESTER! woohooo! can't wait to start the 3rd language component! Parlez Francais, Mon Ami!


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