Posted by ethereality On 5:33 AM 0 feedbacks

Grrrrr! This time around, I can't do a Britney & simply say, 'Oops! I did it again!'. Procrastination, why do you choose to stick to me like velcro to a shoe strap?! Once again, I procrastinated! YET AGAIN! (don't mind my constant redundant repetitions... it's just used for EMPHASIS, so don't come giving me a lesson on syntax!)

It doesn't help that you also made a pact with Inspiration... a deadly combo for the likes of me! Last minute, baru my brain goes into overdrive, pabila baru mendapat 'hidayah' untuk menulis, and I end up typing/writing away like one possessed! Thus I end up feeling so lethargic the morning after, and suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, as well as a huge migraine!

So okay, it seems that consistency is not something I'm good at being consistent at (oh the irony!). So I guess I'll leave the choice to you, flouting my very own 1st post's (refer if you must) pledge...

Should I...

1. Ensure I post something every week, albeit the content may be an uninspired piece of work


2. Wait for my undependable CREATIVE JUICES to flow in the last minute, and come up with something vaguely interesting & post-worthy, even if it does take me forever to post anything on my blog?

Hmmm.... decision, decisions...



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