The sweetest bday gift of all...

Posted by ethereality On 4:42 AM 0 feedbacks

Birthday presents don’t often present (lol) themselves to me unless my family throws me a birthday party, which kind of obliges people to get me a gift, seeing that we’ve prepared a fantastic feast for them & therefore, they should be courteous enough to give the birthday girl a little token of appreciation as a way of saying 'Thanks for the awesome food! Dahla it's free, kalahkan hotel food plak! I should get the birthday boy/girl a gift, which would cost me, what? 1/3 of what I would have to pay for such a sumptuous feast at a 3-star hotel!'.

But I’m not here to bitch about people who can’t even fork out a few measly bucks to get the birthday boy/girl a small gift. No… it’s best for a pessimist like me to look at the damn glass of milk as half-full instead of half-empty.

When I do receive birthday gifts, an overwhelming feeling of appreciation engulfs me. It’s not because of the cute handbag my aunt gave me, or the crisp RM50 notes folded thinly into angpows, waiting for me to take it out shopping & spend it. I feel grateful to have people think of me affectionately enough to have the initiative to get me a gift. Their effort means something to me… it means the world, coz it shows that they actually care. And I guess that is why people look forward to receiving birthday wishes. The feeling of acknowledgement is really what they seek for, not really the materialistic goodies.

Nevertheless, my top 5 birthday presents happen to be material things, but each holds a great deal of sentimental value to me, especially the last one:

1) The amazing chocolate banana cake Umi bought for my 13th birthday from La Manila
2) The bouquet of red roses & charm bracelet Sem gave on my 17th
3) The cute little teddy bear with the heart that says “I Love You Much” from Driss on my 18th
4) The stainless steel butterfly pendant from Nanina (that I wear on my throat atm) on my 19th
5) A delicate white-gold ring from him on my 20th

With The One who Obtained the Ring...


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