The one that got away...

Posted by ethereality On 11:04 PM 0 feedbacks

Okay... I do hope you wouldn't deduce that the title above means that I'm gonna get all nostalgic about my past relationships & shit... that would come later! ;p

Actually, I'd really wanna talk about a certain classmate
of mine who recently dropped out of our study course...

So the story goes like this...

But we'd have to go riiiiiiiight back to the beginning...

(for those of you who didn't know) my batch of pre-Teslians '08-'09 was the first (or what I'd like to call, the 'guinea pig') batch of students who were *figuratively-speaking* forced to become ASASI Teslians. So what's the difference? You see for yourself...

Our seniors, who were automatically upgraded to the UiTM TESL degree program, provided that they pass the minimal CGPA requirement.

And us Asasi Teslians? Well, we were thereby bonded by the government, and were given a nice allowance in return for our 'compliance'. So how does this affect us negatively, you ask? We were, after all, given money...

Well, basically, it meant that our future was in their hands. Wherever they place us is out of our control. Sure, we did have choices when we filled in our UPU form, but for most of us, we don't even get some of the courses we applied for! The only way to change this is to make an appeal, or apply to another desi
red course.

So basically, there were supposed to be only 20 TESL students per IPTA in Malaysia for our batch, but only 9 made it to UiTM Shah Alam... me & Miza included. Sucks big time, right? There's only 9!!! who showed up! Wth?

But we got our hopes a little higher when 2 former Asasi Teslians rejoined us back from their given uni (UPM), thru the magic of 'Appealing'. Fuffy and Nadilala.

So the s
tory's basically about Nad.

After nearly two semesters of toiling hard (hey... this is what you get from a degree programme, babe!) to get the grade, Nad decided to call it quits. Out of the blue. All of a sudden. Kapow!

Why? Well, she did express her feelings before to me (and a few other close friends, I think) about giving up the fight. She felt like she lost passion for the course, even though she was doing so well.

I have to admit, even I felt like it was all hopeless at one point. I could empathize with how she felt. But to quit when she's so close to completing it? It was only 3 weeks left till the finals! And to add salt to the wound, she had completed almost 90% of her coursework! That was a real shocker.

And to think, we only found out about it in the wee hours of the morning, waiting for our bus to go to the National Zoo for our voluntary work!

But I guess Nad had her reasons, whatever they may be. In a way, it's good that she came to this decision earlier on the course. But at the same time, I wish she could have tried to hold on a little longer...

But what's done is done. There's one less person in our already empty class, and we miss her craziness & 'mmmhmmms'... all the best, nadilala! You are still much loved. Please don't be a stranger & come visit us. Sayang always...


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